When preparing a will, careful planning is essential to ensure that assets are not needlessly depleted, that tax exposure is minimized and that the interests of family members are protected. Trusts and other legal arrangements are often needed to assure a secure and comfortable future for the beneficiaries.

At some point, many seniors and adults with disabilities require appropriate residential services and a full day of structured activities. There are legal procedures to help secure these needed services, without cost to the family.

Probate is the process which occurs when a will is implemented. Planning can assure that probate and other estate administration activities. such as filing of federal estate tax and state inheritance tax occur as smoothly as possible. A Living Trust can be used to avoid probate.

Attorneys at Hinkle, Prior & Fischer have extensive experience in Tax and Estate Planning, Surrogate Decision Making, Long Term Care, Income and Asset Protection, and Probate for elder clients. Call now to learn more about we can help.